
209 lines
4.2 KiB

package main
import (
// "bufio"
// ""
type Client struct {
ifce *water.Interface
hostname string
addr *netlink.Addr
addr_str string
// -- funcs --
// writes out desired hostname to file. generates a small bash script for
// the client to run
//func generateNewClient() {
// var desired_hostname string
// fmt.Printf("Please enter a desired hostname for the new client: ")
// scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
// scanner.Scan()
// err := scanner.Err()
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// panic(err)
// }
// desired_hostname = scanner.Text()
// maps ip --> hostname
// used to verify collisions
var client_leases = make(map[string]string)
var mode string
func detectMode() {
mode = os.Getenv("LAZYVPN_MODE")
if len(mode) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Mode not set! assuming CLIENT")
mode = "CLIENT"
fmt.Printf("Running in mode %s\n", mode)
func generateClientTUN(hn string) Client {
// configure TUN interface
config := water.Config{
DeviceType: water.TUN,
config.Name = "tun_"+hn
cl_ifce, err := water.New(config)
if err != nil {
// Generate a free address to assign
var cl_Addr_str string
if mode == "CLIENT" {
// This is a bad way of doing it, and only accounts for local conflicts
// theres definitely a way to find if it conflicts somewhere else
// ideally, it shouldnt be locked to this 16 block, either. eventually,
// the allowed range (CIDR included) should be defined.
// this is an alpha for now, just to get *something* nice working
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(255))
for {
var b1 int = int(r.Int31n(255))
var b2 int = int(r.Int31n(255))
cl_Addr_str = "." + strconv.Itoa(b1) + "." + strconv.Itoa(b2)
_, isLeased := client_leases[cl_Addr_str]
if !isLeased {
} else {
// its the server
cl_Addr_str = ".0.1"
cl_Link, err := netlink.LinkByName(config.Name)
if err != nil {
cl_Addr_str = "169.254"+cl_Addr_str
cl_Addr, err := netlink.ParseAddr(cl_Addr_str+"/16")
if err != nil {
// register addr -> ifce with host
netlink.AddrAdd(cl_Link, cl_Addr)
return Client {
ifce: cl_ifce,
hostname: hn,
addr: cl_Addr,
addr_str: cl_Addr_str,
func StartListener(addr string) {
// listen on port 28173
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr+":28173")
if err != nil {
defer l.Close()
fmt.Printf("Listening on %s port 28173", addr)
for {
// Wait for a connection.
conn, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {
// Handle the connection in a new goroutine.
// The loop then returns to accepting, so that
// multiple connections may be served concurrently.
go func(c net.Conn) {
// Echo all incoming data.
io.Copy(c, c)
// Shut down the connection.
func StartDialer() {
var d net.Dialer
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
fmt.Printf("Attempting autodiscovery")
conn, err := d.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to dial: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
if _, err := conn.Write([]byte("Hello, World!")); err != nil {
func main() {
// Detect if we are in CLIENT or SERVER mode
// Zeroth stage - gather info
var hostKey ssh.PublicKey
config := &ssh.ClientConfig {
User: os.Getenv("LAZYUSER"),
Auth: []ssh.authmethod {
HostKeyCallback: ssh.FixedHostKey(hostKey),
// First stage - attempt to connect to public host
var host string = ""
fmt.Printf("Dialing host %s....\n", host)
client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", host+":22278", config)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to dial: ", err)
defer client.Close()
// Final stage
if mode == "SERVER" {
// open, listen and wait
} else {
// connect to far end